Small Signal Stability & Training – TVA
Small signal stability investigations and training, in-house project management support and training – Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), USA.
TVA had an incident that required small signal stability analysis. TVA wanted to have in-house hands-on studies capabilities.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Developed project objectives and project management plan. QA with EPRI Solutions. Revised EPRI Solutions proposal based on objectives. Developed & conducted TVA informal WARM-UP training and learning sessions. Developed present and future base cases for the studies, identifying small signal stability problems.
System Stability Analysis Training – USA
System stability analysis of selected problems, hands-on training, and ongoing support – Alabama Electric, Power South Energy, Georgia Transmission, and South Mississippi Electric Power Authority, USA.
Three transmission companies wanted to train their staff by working on actual planning work using real cases.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Prepared data and past studies review, system stability simulations and analysis of selected problems, identification of stability limitations and solutions, formal training course on stability studies, hands-on training and ongoing support, recommendations, and report.