System Impact Study – NTDC
System impact studies of 5400MW hydro plant – NTDC
NTDC system planning to year 2030 required extensive transmission expansion to bring about 30,000 MW power from northern hydro plants. One of the transmission corridors had certain Right of Way and terrain difficulties. In order to transmit 12861 MW through this corridor, NTDC wanted to review transmission voltage level for given power transfer levels and see if power transfer can be increased for both alternatives of 765kV or 500kV level transmission. NTDC wanted to evaluate techno-economical study for year 2020, 2021, 2022, 2025 and 2030 to see which voltage level is most suited for this required power transfer.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Ranking of alternatives based on transmission lines life time techno-economic studies. Detailed power system studies, load flow, short circuit, stability and economic studies to rank the alternatives. Power transfer enhancement studies using FACTS application including series compensation and SVCs. Recommendations and report. Presentation to top management.
GCCIA Voltage Study
GCCIA voltage control study – GCCIA
Determine an optimal voltage control solution. The solution should enable the grid to maintain a zero MVAR exchange (or close) level at each interconnection point under a range of system conditions while maintaining system voltages within operational limits. Develop future base cases using Member States data. Verify, validate, check, the data bases. Develop a range of study scenarios. Prepare and benchmark models. Identify and prepare selected faults and scenarios. Contingencies (ACCC) runs, monitor MVAR exchange, Review HVDC control options for reactive power contributions and limits. Develop mitigation measures based on mechanically switched shunt reactive power devices. Dynamic simulations to test MVAR support. Investigate FACTS based solutions (SVC, STATCOM). Evaluate sizes and location of the proposed FACTS devices. Recommendations, specifications, cost estimates for Optimal solution(s).
GB Transmission Grid Plan – NTDC
Regional transmission grid plan for Gilgit Baltistan – NTDC
Establishment of regional transmission grid plan in Gilgit Baltistan (GB) area, Pakistan is a project planned to connect the GB region with National Grid system of Pakistan. The project caters power demand for next two decades to year 2035 in ten districts of GB by interconnecting each other through proposed regional transmission grid plan. GB area has very high hydro power generation potential and there are number of new hydro plants of overall 4200 MW were planned. Presently GB area grid of 140 MW capacity is operating in many islands and is not connected to the national grid of NTDC. There was need of assembling the data and model the present grid system and plan the interconnection with the NTDC along with new incoming new large hydro plants.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Developed transmission planning criteria, Prepared and reviewed provided load forecast and generation development plans, Selection of voltage level(s) for regional transmission interconnections and with national grid for proposed
DASU Hydropower Study – NTDC
DASU hydropower plants 12860 MW interconnection – NTDC
Objectives/background/needs: NTDC system planning to year 2030 required extensive transmission expansion to bring about 30,000 MW power from northern hydro plants. One of the transmission corridors had certain Right of Way and terrain difficulties. In order to transmit 12861 MW through this Dasu corridor, NTDC had reviewed 765 and 500kV options of transmission voltage level for given power transfer levels. NTDC further wanted to evaluate HVDC transmission options as well and then compare with other 765kV and 500kV options. NTDC wanted to evaluate techno-economical study for year 2020, 2022, 2025 and 2030 to see which option is most suited for this required power transfer. Key deliverables and solution provided: Prepared HVDC options schemes, ranking of three options based on transmission lines life time techno-economic studies. Power transfer enhancement studies using FACTS application including series compensation and SVCs. Detailed power system studies, load flow, short circuit, stability and economic studies to rank the alternatives, recommendations, reporting.
Excitation system modeling review – TVA
TVA plants excitation system modeling review and system performance improvements – Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), USA
TVA wanted to develop and update the grid model with latest exciter systems information. This was required to ensure that the grid model has all the parameters updated as changed on site. For modeling accuracy investigations, it was frequently observed that this database was not updated.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Initial Data Review and Logistics, Describe Current Excitation System Models Used. Site visit and inspection. Derivation of model structure and preliminary settings. Identify the existing “As found” excitation system model data in PTI PSS/E format. Identify Testing to complete PSS/E model data. System studies to excitation system settings, System studies to evaluate excitation system settings improvements.
Victor Diamond power study – De Beers
Grid supply options for Victor Diamond project mining industrial power system – De Beers Canada Corporation
De Beers required power system planning studies relating to several IESO Canada grid supply alternatives for the Victor Diamond Project (VDP). This required very long transmission line to feed the variable loads.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Model set up load flow and stability studies for alternatives, reactive support and SVC requirements, line energizing analysis for long lines, SVC facilities need determination and sizing, quantification and comparison of line losses, and comparing alternatives with recommendations.