Generation Impact Studies – PJM
Generation interconnection impact studies – PJM Interconnections LLC, USA
Over 400 generation connection assessment studies have been successfully completed, primarily focusing on renewable generation additions. Approximately 130,000 MW of generation capacity has been planned for the northeastern grid.
Generation interconnection impact studies have been conducted for a large number of generation requests, covering:
Load flow analysis
Extensive stability studies
Studies automation
Comprehensive modeling and troubleshooting
Identification and quantification of reactive power compensation
SVC applications
HVDC assessments
Stabilizer parameter adjustments to damp oscillations
Identification of reinforcement requirements
Quality assurance (QA) and reporting
Least Cost Generation Plan – Lahmeyer
Least cost generation plan analysis for inclusion of 124MW Allai Khwar and 1050MW Chor Nala hydro projects – Lahmeyer International, Germany
Allai Khawar and Chor Nala hydro power plant was not included in overall generation plan of WAPDA. Allai Khwar consultants requested to update the plan with WAPDA models.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Development of computer model data set for generation planning for inclusion of Allai Khwar and Chor Nala hydro power plants. Simulation & analysis of generation expansion plans inclusive of both plants. Comparisons with equivalent thermal plants. Recommendations for technical/economical justifications of both plants.
Generation Impact Studies – BC Hydro
Generation connection impact studies – British Columbia Transmission Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Allai Khawar and Chor Nala hydro power plant was not included in overall generation plan of WAPDA. Allai Khwar consultants requested to update the plan with WAPDA models.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Development of computer model data set for generation planning for inclusion of Allai Khwar and Chor Nala hydro power plants. Simulation & analysis of generation expansion plans inclusive of both plants. Comparisons with equivalent thermal plants. Recommendations for technical/economical justifications of both plants.
Wind & Conventional Generation RFP – BC Hydro
Generation connection impact studies – British Columbia Transmission Corporation, Vancouver, BC, Canada
BC Hydro had a workload for generation connection assessment with tight timelines under renewable generation project incentives.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Extensive generation interconnection impact studies using PSS/E for multiple generation requests. Load flow and stability studies. POWER-tek helped meet the timelines and ensured quality completion of studies and workload.
Least Cost Generation Plan – Allai & Chor
Least cost generation plan analysis for inclusion of 124MW Allai Khwar and 1050MW Chor Nala hydro projects
1000 MW RFP for numerous wind power plants and 2500 MW conventional power plants customer impact studies. Conducted large volumes of detailed simulations and reporting. Held meetings and interacted with project developers to resolve interconnection technical matters. Performed distribution system generation interconnection studies.
Economic Dispatch Analysis – AES Plants
Analytical studies for economic dispatch, transmission system capacity, and reactive power capability test simulations for 727MW AES power plants
Development of a computer model data set for generation planning for inclusion of Allai Khwar and Chor Nala hydro power plants. Simulation & analysis of generation expansion plans inclusive of both plants. Comparisons with equivalent thermal plants. Recommendations for technical/economical justifications of both plants.