Smart Grid Fund – Ontario
Smart grid fund, primary project – Ministry of Energy, Ontario.
Review and technical advice on Primary project; electricity load aggregation and control technologies including technologies related to communication and control of industrial and commercial equipment; and interface withthe electricity system operator (IESO Ontario). Assessment of any technical risks and proposed mitigation strategy, including safety, privacy and security risks. Assessment of technical aspects of commercialization risks and proposed mitigation strategy, including whether solution provides benefits to electricity utilities, intellectual property protection, and adherence to relevant codes and standards. Provide support and information to Ministry on Secondary projects.
Smart Grid Fund – Load Aggregation Project
Smart grid fund, primary project: Load aggregation and control projects.
Ontario Ministry of Energy awarded large funds to technology development companies in smart grid. Ministry needed an owner’s engineer for technical input on project scope and objectives, review of contractor deliverables, and progress reports.
Key deliverables and solution provided:
Reviewed and provided technical advice on load aggregation and control technologies, assessed technical risks and mitigation strategies, including safety, privacy, and security risks. Assessed commercialization risks and proposed mitigation strategies, ensuring solutions benefited utilities and adhered to codes and standards. Provided support and information to the Ministry on secondary projects.
Energy Metering & Loss Analysis – Utility
Energy metering and loss analysis – Utility study of energy metering and accounting systems, system losses analysis, harmonic analysis, and filter design.
System modeling, load flow studies, interconnection of utility system, losses analysis. Existing system energy billing meters testing and energy accounting system development. Simulations for energy losses confirmation and recommendations for reduction. System expansion studies, load flow, fault level, relay settings, coordination with utility interconnection and in-house generation additions. Detailed engineering design review of substation. Equipment specification development. Harmonic analysis, measurements, and filter design.
T&D System Analysis Software – WAPDA/NTDC
Transmission and distribution system analysis software, installation and training, maintenance, and support for WAPDA, NTDC, and eight DISCOs.
PEPCO wanted to equip transmission and 8 distribution companies for in-house software installations, develop staff capabilities, and provide hands-on training.
Key deliverables and solution provided: Provided Transmission and Distribution System Planning Software under International Competitive Bidding of the World Bank. (16 copies of PSS/ADEPT and 10 copies of PSS/E), Training of the software, system analysis methodology and techniques, PSS/E, PSS/ADEPT installation and its functional testing at all 10 locations of DISCOs, NTDC. Long-term maintenance and support services to DISCOs and NTDC to use the software for its intended purposes. Hands-on training and support.
System Software Up-gradation – WAPDA
Up-gradation of the system analysis software, installation, training, and maintenance/support for the National Power Control Center.
WAPDA wanted to equip their national power control center with in-house software installations, develop staff capabilities, and provide hands-on training.
Key deliverables and solution provided: Training of the software, system analysis methodology and techniques to National Power Control Center engineers. PSS/E software system data development, installation & functional testing, and PSS/E software procurement to improve computerized analysis.
Smart Meter Cybersecurity Support
Smart meter cybersecurity solutions and implementation.
Provide support and review to the Customer on Secondary projects. Support to the Customer to monitor project progress and achieve objectives. Review deliverables specifications, site visits, quality review, and test monitoring.