North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) Reliability standards audit for IESO market participants. Ontario’s reliability compliance framework and IESO audit process and procedures

Objectives/background/needs:  IESO wanted a third party audit work for NERC standards compliance of market participants in Ontario Canada.

Key deliverables and solution provided: Audit for 12 NERC reliability standards, including, system modeling standards, facilities ratings, system thermal and voltage limits standards, short circuit, stability, protection, operation and control room standards.  Assessed potential risks and gaps to the successful completion of the audit and devise an action plan to address these risks and mitigate their impact. Reviewed pre-audit Information, become familiar with the physical assets and organizational structure of the entity that will be audited;  Reviewed the RSAW and other documentation, and make a preliminary assessment with regard to the completeness and relevance of the evidence submitted; Reviewed information provided  in the RSAW and other documentation, and assessed whether the evidence provided or lack thereof objectively demonstrates that the audited entity is compliant or not with the applicable reliability standards; conducted interviews; Prepared draft exit presentation. Prepared final audit report.

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