POWER-tek performs a forward-looking assessment of transmission requirements, taking into account present industry structure, indicative generation development, demand expectations and future uncertainties. In addition to detailed studies using the analytical techniques above, we develop planning methodologies, reliability criteria, perform economic assessments and review regulatory impacts.
Our transmission services are founded on extensive worldwide experience and know-how in the following analytical techniques:
- Load flow
- Short circuit
- Transient and dynamic stability
- Load modeling
- Voltage stability
- Transfer capability
- Reliability assessment
- Load rejection
- AC and DC transmission
- Lightning protection
- FACTS technology
- Sub-synchronous resonance
- Loss evaluation
- Series and shunt compensation
- SVC applications
- Interconnected operations
Even conventional power system studies can be complicated by the presence or prospect of new or advanced technologies. Our power system modeling and simulation capability covers the range of technical phenomena and considerations important for highly-reliable power system design and operation:
POWER-tek has planned a wide variety of power transmission, substation and distribution facilities. We are active, with clients, in the investigation and development of new techniques for protecting, controlling and automating these facilities.
State-of-the-art planning techniques and tools are used to ensure optimal performance and cost of the facilities.